Monthly Curriculum


2- & 3-year-old curriculum

Rhyme: Humpty Dumpty, Mary Mary, Quite Contrary

Color: Purple

Shape: Oval

March special days: Spring Break April 1-4

This month we will learn all about the beautiful spring season (insects, growing things, rain, and rainbows). Our Science focus is Earth and space. April is loaded with fun and interesting days such as Hat Day, Earth Day and our amazing egg hunts.

Pre K and JK

Rhyme: Humpty Dumpty, Mary Mary, Quite Contrary

Color: Purple

Shape: Oval

March special days: Spring Break April 1-4

In April our themes are insects, flowers, growing and metamorphosis. We will talk about community helpers and our Science focus will be Earth and outer space. April has many special days such as Earth Day and our awseome egg hunts. A reminder that kindergarten registration at area schools begins this month!